Who doesn't want to go into space? Astronauts, cosmonauts, elementary school kids, Lance Bass and that really rich old man all do. Why wouldn't I? Pretty much my theory in life is: If it's good enough for elementary school kids and Lance Bass, it's good enough for me.
In the past (and as of now) only astronauts, cosmonauts and their equivalents from other countries could venture to space (oh, and Denis Tito). But within in the next few years that will all change thanks to the man who brought us solo albums from former Spice Girls, Gerri Halliwell and Victoria Beckham. Sir Richard Branson, The Rebel Billionaire.
I'm sure you have heard of, and maybe even flown, Sir Branson's airlines: Virgin Atlantic and Virgin America. Well, now the Virgin enterprise has a new member: Virgin Galactic. Virgin Galactic is a new deal. This time around they are offering flights for the "average" person to outer space. While it is not yet up and running for public use, the spaceships are being designed, built and tested as we speak in the Mohave Desert. Which is also where the first official, public flights will depart from. There is no official deadline for launch as they are trying to ensure that the spaceships are as safe as possible.
When the Virgin Galactic fleet finally does launch it will entail a 3 day information and training period before take-off and will send passengers off into space for a short period of time. Giving them the ability to experience zero gravity, the opportunity to finally see the earth from the outside. Oh and passengers will also get humongous bragging rights after.
After reading all of the above, give me one good reason why I wouldn't want to take a trip into outer space with Virgin Galactic! Oh? I didn't give you all the information? I left out the price, that's right. Well there's a minimum deposit of $20,000.00 and then tickets cost a mere $200,000.00.
So again, I ask you: why shouldn't I book my flight to space?
And you know what? If I wasn't so poor I would book a flight on the Virgin Galactic Spaceship!
Sign me up! I definitely want to take that flight on the Virgin Galactic. Have you been on Mission: Space in Disneyworld? That ride is awesome, and you get to feel zero gravity while trying to land a spaceship.
ReplyDeleteWhat!? I want to go, I would so spend money on this. That's awesome that they're actually developing it, who would have thought that galactic flights would (probably) come before flying cars? I'm still waiting for flying cars... it would be nice to see a car company make a website like Virgin's, but for futuristic cars.
ReplyDeleteLet me know when you're going, I'm coming...
Man, after all the failed hotels in space I worry about putting down my hard earned $20,000 (which I do of course have just lying around) to reserve a seat to just fly up there and come back down.This is a great write-up of Virgin Galactic though, and Richard Branson is awesome seeing as how he's really the last insane eccentric millionaire we have left.