Wednesday, September 9, 2009

...I'd get health insurance

If I wasn't so poor I'd get health insurance.
HMO, PPO? Oh no...

Seeing as I'm in college, surviving on Financial Aid and a part-time job, paying for
my medical bills (from when I did have insurance), a credit card, rent, utilities, food, books...monthly Muni pass...I can't afford luxuries like a car, an iPhone, fancy labels or health insurance. I get to rely on the University's Student Health Center--weekdays from 8 to 5 for non-emergencies...

I think Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia said it best: "Hey, look at me! I'm a millionaire who goes to see doctors!" Okay, Okay, health insurance isn't really that expensive, I mean,
Blue Shield and Kaiser Permanente have some reasonably priced plans. My problem? Take Blue Shield's deductible plan: the least expensive goes for $52 a month, but that includes a $2,900 deductible that you'll have to reach before they'll pay 60%. And then there's always the risk that you might find out you have a "pre-existing condition," then they won't pay anything. OR you could go with a co payment plan from Kaiser, where the cheapest plan is $175.00 a month, no deductible, office visits are $50, but prescriptions of any sort aren't'd really have to plan on needing a lot of medical attention to make that worth it (and hope that you could skimp on the antibiotics or painkillers)....oh, and did I mention? The starting premium of $175/mo is only for qualified males 19-24...

Why aren't I covered by my parents' insurance?...Easy, my mom's poor too. And why don't I go get
Medi-Cal ? Well, I'm not over 65 and I passed that "under 21" stipulation. I'm also not blind, disabled or pregnant....although, I have been screened for cervical cancer...but I think you need to have it to qualify...I'm starting to kick myself for becoming "One Less."

If I wasn't so poor I would get something from Blue Shield's "Rich Benefits" coverage (get it??!!), like the "Active Start Plan 35" for monthly rates starting at $145 (for healthy males 19-24, of course), no deductible and they cover most prescriptions--just to name the plan's positives...But, alas, I am poor, so I'll stick with fitting my illnesses into weekdays between 8 and 5 and I'll figure something new out after graduation, like trying that "walk it off" method I've heard so much about.


  1. I loved the tone of this. It almost made me forget how horribly depressing health care is in this country.

  2. Laugher is the best you don't need health insurance. Maybe you should get pregnant so you can get on Medi-Cal. It might bring up a few more problems but at least you won't have to worry about "pre-existing conditions."

  3. I enjoyed how you mixed in humor with every fact about our unbelievable health care insurance. Health insurance always seems to have that fine print that won't allow 'normal' people to qualify. Oh, only if we weren't poor and maybe had a couple health issues would we all finally et a break.

  4. Great post, definitely made me laugh! Insurance is soo crazy, especially right now. Just looking at all the plans and conditions and crap gives me a headache (for which I can't go to the doctor either). I swear, there should be some kind of student plan, where everything is covered. It's the least they could do, since we're dedicating years of our lives to study for the future, right? Let's hope we can stay healthy!

  5. Haha, I love your writing style-it's humorous, but informative at the same time. Health insurance is, for the most part, insanely expensive! Great commentary on the subject-I enjoy the ending paragraphs for each of your posts, too. It's a lovely trademark that brings the reader full-circle.

  6. Humorous writing style that made me want to read more. Your voice is very clear in this post, it's well organized, and lastly you had a topic that everyone can relate to. Keep up with the humor and writing style.
